At times we have all felt guided by an unseen force, some call it coincidence others call it chance.
For Frank and Marie, it was to be a lot more than that. A divine path that led to miracles, blessings, and peace.
In the first story told in So you think you’re alone, Frank and Marie have some fantastic experiences while traveling with one another between his training destinations prior to going out to war.
As if guided by an unseen force, they are taken on a journey that would soon help to bring peace to the lives of people they didn’t even know they were connected to.
From the bus ride to Lafayette Indiana, that faithful night off Iwo Jima aboard the USS Bismarck Sea, to the destined meeting at St. Vibiana’s Catholic Church in Los Angeles ca,. their journey was guided by divine purpose.
Have you ever felt like life had a purpose for you? Did you fallow that purpose?
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